A Day in the Life at Winter Session: Photos by Brad Torchia
A couple of months ago, our friend and talented Denver-based photographer Brad Torchia stopped by the workshop to capture a day in the life at Winter Session. A lot happens in our cozy workspace, from cutting, sewing, leatherwork and assembly to product photography and impromptu visits with friends and customers. Without further adieu, this is what our typical day looks like.

Our bikes line the sidewalk just across from where the light rail runs past our door on Welton Street. We get to work right away with the help of some of our favorite tools, including our classy donut mascot.

Roy walks Cher through Day Bag construction while Tanya works with Seneca on a new denim apron sample.

Sarah prototypes a Zip-top Tote while Mark stitches a Snap Wallet. It helps to have lots of natural light in our studio.

We always enjoy visitors. Our friend (and Day Pack devotee and WS model) Shawn Reagan stops by for a chat.

Meanwhile, Joel perfects product shots for our new website, and Andrew assembles custom leather straps for PIEBOX.

Our days are full, and at the end of a busy day it's always nice to bask in the quiet beauty of our workspace.